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Changes to opening times and services over Christmas and New Year

Unwanted green bin collections

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 20/01/2015

We are collecting unwanted green bins from South Gloucestershire residents between 26 January and 16 February.

Details of your area’s green bin removal day will be provided on a tag secured to your black bin around one to two weeks before the collection. This is a one off service and if you no longer want your green bin it must be put out for removal on the date featured on the leaflet you receive.

All green bins for removal must be outside by 7am on the appropriate day and must be empty. We will not take any bins that contain waste, including garden waste.

If you currently receive help putting out your bins and require assistance to put your unwanted green bin out, please contact 01454 868000 or email prior to your removal day.

The collections are not compulsory, anyone who is using their green bin for another purpose can continue to do so.

If you subscribe to the green bin collection service please do not put your bin out on this day.

For more information and details of green bin removal dates for individual areas please visit

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