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Traditional entertainment on St. George’s Day

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 18/04/2013

The fun gets underway at 10am with a St. George procession between the heritage centre and Yate shopping centre. Then from 10.30am through to 4pm, St. Mary’s Green features an impressive line up of traditional English entertainment, music and dancing, along with regular St. George enactments.

Throughout the day St. Mary’s Green will play host to a variety of entertainment including performances by ukulele band Ken’s Ukes, Thornbury Town Brass Band, female Morris dance troupe Somerset Morris, the Rhythm Energy Dance, Drama & Singing (REDDS) stage school and the Yate Star Twirlers majorettes.

The line up will also include acro-gymnastics, parkour gymnastics, folk singers and a St. George award ceremony. There will additionally be lots of activities to keep families and children entertained including storytelling, games and workshops. Food and refreshments will also be available.

The Heritage Centre itself is marking the occasion with an open day featuring St. George storytelling and Punch & Judy shows between 12pm and 4pm. Other entertainment on the day includes tower tours at St. Mary’s Church from 11am to 2pm and a school rugby tournament at St. Mary’s School from 10am to 1pm.

The day of free entertainment is funded by Yate Town Council and South Gloucestershire Council, and takes place at the Yate & District Heritage Centre and St. Mary’s Green in Yate on Saturday 20 April from 10am to 4pm, ahead of St. George’s Day on 23 April.

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