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Changes to opening times and services over Christmas and New Year

Theatre show’s road safety message

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 09/11/2012

The Decision has toured 11 schools in the district to encourage youngsters aged 11-14 to think about the impact that carelessness and distraction can have on road safety.

The production, which is funded by the council’s Road Safety Education team, uses an interactive story featuring a court room to show young people how failing to think about their actions can have fatal consequences.

Students in the audience learn how distraction and careless behaviour can lead to a fatal accident, and are then asked to vote, as a jury would, on whether the driver or pedestrian was responsible for causing the accident.

Road traffic casualties tend to be highest among young people in the 11-16 age group and the theatre in education project is one of a range of measures used by the council’s Road Safety Education team to encourage youngsters to take greater care on the roads.

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