South Gloucestershire landlords prosecuted for housing offences
This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.
Published: 13/01/2016
A married couple who rent out homes in South Gloucestershire have been ordered to pay over £6,300 after pleading guilty to housing offences relating to two properties in Filton.
Hosam Mostafa, 47, and Shahinaz Mostafa, 45, of Malmains Drive, Frenchay were fined £2,855 and ordered to pay £3,537 in costs at North Avon Magistrates’ Court on Friday 8 January, following investigations by South Gloucestershire Council’s Private Sector Housing team.
The court first heard how Hosam Mostafa had failed to complete repairs at a two-storey terraced property on Charles Road in Filton, before allowing it to be re-let to another tenant. The property had previously been subject to a Premises Closure Order served under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 and was in a poor state of repair. An inspection of the property identified a number of hazards including dangerous electrics, ceilings at risk of collapse, unsecure doors and unhygienic kitchen and bathroom facilities in a state of disrepair.
The Private Sector Housing team served a Prohibition Order on Mr Mostafa requiring works to be completed to address these repair issues, which came in to force on the expiry of the Closure Order. This was to ensure that the relevant repair works were completed at the property prior to it being re-let, to ensure the safety of any future tenants. However, further investigations found the property had been re-let to a new tenant before the works had been completed, which breached the Prohibition Order.
The court then heard how Mr Mostafa had also failed to complete relevant repairs at a two-storey terraced property on Hunters Way in Filton, which he manages on behalf of his wife, Shahinaz Mostafa. The property had been previously inspected and found to contain hazards including a front door and an electrical installation in poor repair.
An Improvement Notice was served on Mrs Mostafa requiring work to be completed but this was not done in the required timescale. The defective front door was replaced by the council to ensure the safety and security of the tenants and their family. The costs for this work will also be claimed from the landlord.
South Gloucestershire Council’s Adults & Housing Committee Chair Cllr Ben Stokes said: “South Gloucestershire has approximately 14,600 privately rented properties, and we will not tolerate landlords failing to meet their legal responsibilities in relation to the conditions of their properties.
“Officers in our Private Sector Housing team always try to work with landlords to bring their properties up to standard, but where this informal approach fails, we will look to take enforcement action to ensure that tenants have a safe place to live.”
Tenants of privately rented properties in the South Gloucestershire area can report issues of disrepair that are not being addressed by their landlord by contacting the Private Sector Housing team on 01454 864503, or by visiting their local One Stop Shop.

The dangerous electrics found at Charles Rd
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