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Resource pack raises awareness of domestic abuse

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 27/11/2012

We have launched a new resource pack created for teachers, youth workers and other practitioners who work with children and young people. It guides them through what domestic abuse is, how to identify people who may be experiencing abuse and provides guidance and support on where to turn for further help.

Yesterday (Tuesday 27 November), Stoke Lodge Primary School hosted a launch event called ‘A child in my class’ featuring John Cabot Academy school pupil Tony Bray, aged 15. Tony spoke about his own personal experiences of domestic abuse to help raise awareness about this issue to encourage professionals to recognise the signs and offer support.

Tony said: “I want to inform people of what to look out for and understand what position young people in school could be in, and help people realise – naughty behaviour isn’t always just out of choice. It can sometimes be almost a way to relieve past situations.”

Stoke Lodge Primary School head teacher Richard Clark added: “Stoke Lodge Primary School is wholeheartedly supporting the child in my class event. Nationally, with nearly one child in five having been exposed to domestic abuse between adults in their homes, we believe that children should never need to suffer in silence from the hidden effects of these issues. Equipping teachers and school staff in order to help identify and support children experiencing this form of abuse is fundamental in ensuring children have the safe, positive and fulfilling lives they are entitled to.”

SGPADA have also been working closely with the South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Board and agreed a process with Avon & Somerset Constabulary that when an incident of domestic abuse takes place at a house where there are children present, the police will inform the relevant school. This is a unique partnership between the police and this multi-agency board

Charlotte Leason, senior community safety project officer, said: “With the launch of the new resource pack we are asking schools to be domestic abuse aware. We want to be able to help staff working in our schools, our youth centres and other practitioners who work closely with our young people that it is ok to talk about domestic abuse and equally, that teachers and other staff are not alone in dealing with this issue.”

Detective Inspector Katie Boxer from Avon & Somerset Constabulary said: “Educating young people is an important step in raising awareness of domestic violence. This toolkit will hopefully go a long way in addressing the issue, and helping people get the help and support they require.”

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