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Read about autism

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 14/12/2015

If you are living with autism or Asperger’s, or know someone who is, you might find a new collection of books available in South Gloucestershire libraries helpful.

Your local library has a new collection of books that has been recommended by people with autism and those who live and work with them, including the library service and the South Gloucestershire Autism Planning Group.

The recommended books provide information and advice, support for living well, advice for relatives and carers, plus personal stories.

Communities Chair Cllr Heather Goddard said: “These books are free to borrow for a special extended loan period of six weeks, and if the book you want is not on the shelves when you want it, the library can get hold of it for you free of charge.
“Libraries provide great places for people to meet and find free entertainment as well as information. The library staff are always very welcoming and libraries belong to the Safe Places Scheme.”

The interactive list of new autism books can be found at

If you have any questions about these books or library services generally please contact or phone 01454 868006.

Alternatively visit the Libraries West website where you can order books, borrow ebooks and download e-magazines for free, or download our library app.

The Safe Places Scheme provides locations for adults with a learning difficulty or vulnerable people to get help when they are out and about. For more information visit

If you need any support in dealing with autism contact The National Autistic Society – Avon branch at


Read about autism booklist:
Donna Williams – ‘Autism – An Inside-Out Approach’ (a practical handbook)
Temple Grandin – ‘Temple Talks about Autism and Sensory Issues’ (an overview and tips)
Tony Attwood – ‘The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome’ (the definitive guide)

For parents
Joshua Muggleton – ‘Raising Martians’ (help your child with Asperger’s)
Bill Nason – ‘The Autism Discussion Page on the core challenges of autism: a toolbox for helping children with autism feel safe, accepted and competent’

For children
Louise Gorrod – ‘My Brother is Different’ (for younger children)
Kathy Hoopmann – ‘Inside Asperger’s Looking Out’ (for family, friends and classmates)

For teens
Luke Jackson – ‘Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome’
Shana Nichols – ‘Girls Growing Up on the Autistic Spectrum’ (for girls and their parents)

For women
Robyn Steward – ‘The Independent Woman’s Handbook for Super Safe Living on the Autistic Spectrum’ (will help you to stay safe whilst living life to the full)

Personal stories
Liane Holliday Willey – ‘Pretending to be Normal: Living with Asperger’s Syndrome’ (one of first female autobiographies)
Naoki Higashida – ‘The Reason I Jump’ (written by non-verbal 13 year old).

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