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Park in Staple Hill provides a welcome pit-stop for cyclists

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 30/06/2015

Page Park has become a welcome stop off point for cyclists and walkers on the Bristol to Bath railway path, thanks to new landscaping and an artwork.

Following a successful bid from the Friends of Page Park group who applied to the Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF), improvements have been made to the walking and cycle route between the railway path at Teewell Hill and Page Park, Staple Hill.

The idea behind the scheme is to encourage people to stop, visit the park and make use of the local shops and other facilities.

Martin Phillips and William Lee from the Friends of Page Park, said: “I am very pleased with the sculpture and the sign. They fit in to the surroundings very comfortably and create a location on the railway path that we hope will encourage path users to come and enjoy our beautiful park and explore our local shops and cafes.”

As well as the new sign which signposts cyclists and walkers to the park, a sculpture has also been provided which lights up at night.

William added, “I’ve heard cyclists say that because the sculpture is lit up at night it does help to make the whole area around the entrance and exit feel more welcoming when it is dark”.

Verity Heal, LSTF Project Manager, said: “This scheme is one of 18 community led projects across South Gloucestershire to benefit from LSTF funding. In this case, it has been used to provide additional lighting on the Teewell Hill area of the Bristol and Bath Railway Path, and also to improve the signage to the park and a revamp of the access point at Teewell Hill including landscaping and a new sculpture which lights up the at night.”

As an added bonus, on week days families with children age five or under can now hire bikes for free from the Sure Start Centre in Staple Hill. Four adult bikes, one foldable bike, a child trailer, child seat and two balance bikes are available to loan by contacting the centre on 01454 862972

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