One Stop Shop moving to Thornbury Library
This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.
Published: 22/10/2013
You can still access all the usual services at the new location in the library, which is closer to the High Street in Thornbury’s town centre.
Drop in to the library and speak to our highly trained staff who can answer your questions about council services and arrange services for you, including:
• council tax, housing benefit and council tax reduction
• homelessness and housing waiting lists
• housing services (Merlin tenants should contact their housing officer)
• refuse and recycling collections
• planning, community care and grants
• road repairs and much more.
Our One Stop Shop opening hours remain the same. It will be open Monday to Wednesday from 8.45am to 5pm. Thursday to Friday from 8.45am to 4.30pm.
Thornbury Library will open at the earlier time of 8.45am Monday to Wednesday and on Fridays with the slightly earlier closing time of 5.30pm on a Friday. The library is closed on Thursdays.
Locating the One Stop Shop at the library is part of our ongoing accommodation strategy which will see us move out of the council offices in Thornbury as we seek to reduce the number of buildings we have while keeping services in the heart of the community.
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