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Manorbrook Primary School wins recycling competition

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 24/07/2015

Manorbrook Primary School in Thornbury has won first place in our schools recycling competition.

More than 20 South Gloucestershire primary schools took part in the competition which was designed to encourage pupils to recycle waste electrical and electronic equipment, with prizes awarded to schools that collected the largest amount of waste per pupil.

Manorbrook Primary School were awarded first place after pupils collected an impressive 1,261kg of waste electrical equipment in total, which equates to 6.8kg for every pupil. The school will receive vouchers worth £300 as a prize.

Second place was awarded to Tortworth Primary School, which received £200 for collecting 176 kg of waste electrical and electronic items. Old Sodbury CofE Primary School came third, with a total of 141 kg of waste collected.

Communities Committee Chair Cllr Heather Goddard said: “Congratulations to everyone at all of our primary schools for their impressive efforts to collect as many unwanted waste items as they could. It was great to see pupils so enthusiastic about the competition and I hope it has inspired them to be keen recyclers as they grow older.”

The total amount of waste electrical and electronic items collected from all participating schools in South Gloucestershire was 3604kg (3.6 tonnes).

The competition was run by South Gloucestershire Council in partnership with Valpak Compliance Scheme. Pupils had to collect as many unwanted and broken small electrical items as they could for recycling. They were able to submit any electrical item up to the size of a flat screen television (excluding fridges, freezers and the old style CRT televisions, which have to be recycled separately to other electrical items). Each school was given two plastic crates to collect their items and additional crates were delivered as and when needed. The crates and funding for the competition prizes were provided by Valpak.

Unwanted electrical items up to the size of a microwave can be recycled from home with the green box collections. Domestic electrical appliances can also be accepted at the Sort It centres.

For more information about what you can recycle and where visit

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