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Local business figures attend breakfast briefing

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 27/09/2016

South Gloucestershire Council’s economic development team hosted a business breakfast on Wednesday 21 September.

The breakfast briefing was held at the Gables in Falfield where figures from local businesses and organisations were given presentations on strategic issues impacting South Gloucestershire and the West of England, including devolution, the Joint Spatial Plan (JSP) and Joint Transport Plan (JTP).

The Panel included South Gloucestershire Council’s leader Cllr Matthew Riddle, Chief Executive Amanda Deeks, Director of Environment and Community Services Steve Evans, Head of Strategic Planning and Housing Brian Glasson, Head of Transport and Strategic Projects Chris Sane. The council’s Strategic Economic Development Manager, Antony Merritt, was also on hand to answer questions.

The event was introduced by leader of South Gloucestershire Council Cllr Matthew Riddle. He said: “The aim of these events are to strengthen connections with our local businesses and share information on the big issues affecting our area, in South Gloucestershire and across the West of England. We want to keep business leaders informed of potential impacts on and opportunities for their organisations and this is especially important in these times of big strategic changes in transport, skills and housing development. We want to keep businesses updated on these issues so they can plan and prepare, and we are also keen to hear from them about the issues and challenges they are facing.”

Chief Executive of South Gloucestershire Council Amanda Deeks began the presentations with a talk on the area’s devolution deal, what this involves and what the next steps are. Director of Environment and Community Services Steve Evans then spoke about two new strategic plans for the area – the Joint Spatial Plan and Joint Transport Plan, setting out the region’s long term visions.

These presentations explained South Gloucestershire’s strategic direction of travel, and demonstrated what the resulting economic impacts could be and opportunities presented as a result.

Following the presentations, the audience were given the opportunity to question the panel with topics such as potential benefits to the economy, affordable homes and new technology debated.

For more information and details of future events visit

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