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Independent chair appointed to South Gloucestershire's Safeguarding Adults Board

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 07/01/2015

South Gloucestershire has appointed a new independent chair to lead its Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB).

Sally Lewis has recently been appointed to the role of chair, following a joint recruitment exercise by South Gloucestershire Council and Bristol City Council which included interviews with panels of senior officers and stakeholders.

Sally has significant experience of working with local partners and was until recently the Chief Probation Officer of Avon and Somerset Probation Trust. In 2012 Sally was awarded an OBE for her services to public protection. She has also recently taken up the position as Bristol Safeguarding Children Independent Board Chair. Sally lives in Churchill, Somerset.

Talking about the new role Sally said: “I am proud to be working with the partners and communities in South Gloucestershire to further develop the safeguarding of adults who may be vulnerable to abuse or neglect. The Board will continue to work hard to balance the protection that individuals require with their freedoms and abilities to exercise control and choice over how they live.
“Our Safeguarding Board in South Gloucestershire already has strong commitment from a good range of skilled and committed organisations and we will build upon this to deliver the best local solutions to prevent harm and give a voice to vulnerable adults.”

Peter Murphy, Director of South Gloucestershire Council’s Children Adults & Health department said: “We’re really pleased that Sally is joining us as independent chair of South Gloucestershire’s Safeguarding Adults Board.
“Having an independent chair will help us to ensure that we deliver a robust and efficient adult safeguarding service for South Gloucestershire and Sally’s background has equipped her with essential skills that will prove invaluable in this new role.”

The South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Adults Board was set up in 2001 and is a multi-agency board that has the responsibility of overseeing adult protection work in South Gloucestershire. The board meets on a quarterly basis, with representation from a wide range of partner agencies and groups, but can also convene in urgent situations, such as the need for a serious case review. The SAB believes that all people have the right to live their lives free from abuse and exploitation.

Safeguarding Adult Boards will be put on a legal footing from April 2015 with statutory membership from the local authority, Police and NHS clinical commissioning groups.

There is one central number you can call to report a concern about a vulnerable adult in South Gloucestershire 01454 868007.

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