Historic mill seeks partner for new adventures
This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.
Published: 14/02/2014
For the past 30 years, the mill, barn and land immediately surrounding it have been leased from South Gloucestershire Council by Avon Wildlife Trust (AWT). This lease is due to end on October 5 and while AWT will continue to maintain the surrounding valley as a wildlife habitat, the lease on the buildings is up for grabs. From today, Friday 14 February, we are seeking expressions of interest to lease the premises.
There is a legal covenant on the site which requires the premises to be retained for community use and as such any ideas put forward must be sustainable and have the potential to generate a long term regular income with any profits being used to enhance the premises.
Expressions of interest must be submitted no later than Friday 21 March and should include the following: Applicant details, background and experience. Proposals for the site and buildings. Outline of how this will be achieved including proposed sources of finance. Contact Chris Cowcher, Community Engagement Officer for an expression of interest form by emailing christopher.cowcher@southglos.gov.uk or call 01454 865057. Alternatively, you can visit www.southglos.gov.uk/willsbridge and download a form.
After the closing date we will assess all the submissions and applicants with suitable projects will then be asked to submit a full Business Plan by the end of May. The successful applicant will then be notified in June with a view to taking on the lease in October.
If you would like to view the premises prior to submitting an expression of interest, or if you have further questions about the project, contact: Chris Cox, Valuation Team Leader on 01454 865087 or email chris.cox@southglos.gov.uk
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