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Have your say on South Gloucestershire’s Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 09/01/2015

We are still seeking views on our draft Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and you have until Tuesday 20 January to have your say.

We have a responsibility to manage local flood risk in a coordinated way including developing a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for the area. In early 2014 we consulted with key stakeholders on the content and priorities that would form our strategy. A draft strategy document has now been produced and is currently undergoing a period of public consultation which gives an opportunity for South Gloucestershire residents, businesses and other stakeholders to provide feedback.

We have created a questionnaire for people to give us their comments on specific aspects of the draft survey. The draft Local Flood Risk Management Strategy includes a range of data and technical details that provide more information. There is also a brief synopsis of the strategy, a more detailed summary and an action plan available, along with maps that help illustrate aspects of the strategy.

We are particularly keen to find out if you feel that all relevant areas are being considered and whether you think there are any specific impacts or alternatives that the council and its flood risk management partners should consider.

You can find out more or tell us your views in the following ways:
• Online at:
• By email:
• By writing to: FREEPOST Plus RTCT-JXLE-EET, South Gloucestershire Council, Corporate Research & Consultation Team, Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Consultation, Civic Centre, High Street, Kingswood, BRISTOL, BS15 9TR
• By telephoning: 01454 868195
Information is also available from your local South Gloucestershire library and One Stop Shop.

If you would like someone to talk to your group or organisation about the draft strategy, please contact us using the details above.

We welcome comments on the draft strategy between 28 October 2014 and 20 January 2015.

Following this public consultation period, we will consider what you have told us and will use it to update the strategy, where necessary. The strategy will then be adopted, will be available on our website in early 2015 and will be used as the basis for local flood risk management up until 2020.

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