Have your say on savings proposals
This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.
Published: 19/09/2014
Local people are being invited to have their say on possible service changes being considered as part of the council’s six-year savings programme.
The council needs to reduce its spending by £40m by 2020 as it responds to national austerity measures, and will be consulting residents as part of a range of service reviews in the coming months.
Recent consultations include:
* a review of the council’s Private Sector Housing service, including landlord accreditation and empty homes management, with a target saving of £168,000. The deadline for comments is 10 October 2014
* a review of the council’s Trading Standards service, including Lorry Watch, consumer advice and trader approval, with a target saving of £50,000. The deadline for comments is 5 November 2014
* a review of the council’s Community Engagement service, including the priority neighbourhoods scheme and safer, stronger community groups, with a target saving of £200,000. The deadline for comments is 30 November 2014
* a review of the council’s Community Safety and Anti-Social Behaviour service, including council-funded Police Community Support Officers and funding and support for anti-social behaviour measures, with a target saving of £277,000. The deadline for comments is 5 December 2014.
The council’s savings programme was approved by councillors in February this year and sets out the savings needed to help the council balance its budget as it adapts to national austerity measures and public sector spending reductions.
Through the programme, the council will work with local people to review its priorities and ensure that its more limited resources are focused on its core activities, including improving educational outcomes, safeguarding vulnerable children and adults and delivering the jobs, homes and infrastructure that will be needed in the coming years.
Options to retain other services by delivering them in more innovative and cost-effective ways – eg. in partnership with the local community or by sharing them with other organisations – will also be explored.
Details of council savings programme consultations are available to view on the council website at www.southglos.gov.uk/consultations
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