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Have a say on health and wellbeing

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 12/02/2013

The council and local NHS organisations are holding a public event at the council’s Kingswood Civic Centre on 21 February to present the district’s first draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy and hear the local community’s views.

The draft strategy was produced by South Gloucestershire’s Health and Wellbeing Board and sets out a range of shared priorities for health and care agencies and the local community, based on a detailed analysis of the district’s health needs.

Emerging priorities in the draft strategy include promoting healthier lifestyles, reducing health inequalities, helping people to live independently in old age, and ensuring that people have access to the right services when they need them.

Chair of South Gloucestershire’s Health and Wellbeing Board, Cllr Heather Goddard said: “Good health and wellbeing is fundamental to enable us to live a fulfilled life and play an active role in our communities.

“But it is also a shared endeavour that requires all of us, including agencies, communities and individuals, to work together to realise.

“That is why it is vital that we agree our priorities together, and I urge people to take part by joining in the strategy consultation events that begin later this month.”

Interim Chair of South Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group Dr Stephen Illingworth said: “This is a real opportunity for everyone who lives in South Gloucestershire to help us shape the priorities we need to concentrate on over the next three years to ensure that everyone can have the opportunity to lead a full, healthy and active life.”

The Health and Wellbeing Strategy consultation event takes place from 3pm – 8 pm on 21 February, with sessions repeated during the afternoon and evening so that participants can attend at a convenient time. See  for further information and to book a place.

The public event forms part of a wider public consultation on the draft strategy which will take place between 15 February and 15 May 2013.

The final version of the strategy will be published in June 2013.

Comments are also invited on the district’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, which provides the evidence base for the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. For further information, see

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