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Foster Care Fortnight: Could you make a difference in a child’s life?

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 16/05/2016

Families who open their hearts and homes to foster children can make a positive difference that lasts a lifetime. That’s the campaign message we want people to remember as we look to recruit more carers during Foster Care Fortnight, which starts on Monday 16 May.

An 11-year-old girl, (who is under our care and cannot be named), credits her foster carers for transforming her life so that it is ‘full of joy’.

The girl says she is ‘always happy and never bored’ as her foster family help and support her in a loving environment.

It is hoped that her story will encourage more people to enjoy the rewards of caring for children and young people who have had a difficult start in life.

We will be hosting a Fostering Information Evening as part of Foster Care Fortnight. The theme of the recruitment campaign is ‘Time to Foster, Time to Care’ as there is a demand for more foster homes, especially for teenagers, siblings and children with additional needs.

The 11-year-old girl said: “I love being in foster care and have loads of fun days out with my carers.

“I have learnt to swim properly, ride a bike and I am part of a drama company.

“I love my foster carers so much, they mean the whole world to me…I could not be any happier.

“My foster carers are the most precious thing anyone could wish for.”

Cllr Jon Hunt, Chair of Children and Young People Committee, said: “There are currently about 100 foster carers across South Gloucestershire. The only requirements for foster carers are that you are over 21, have a spare bedroom and the time, commitment and flexibility to care for a child.

“Anyone who is interested in fostering can find out more at the drop-in session at the council offices in Badminton Road, Yate, on Tuesday 24 May from 7pm to 9pm. Social workers will be on hand to answer any questions and existing foster carers will be sharing their passion for fostering.”

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