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Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood to benefit from multi-million pound funding deal

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 04/02/2015

Councillors at today’s Development Control West Committee have agreed in principle to a package of £110 million of community and infrastructure investment for the Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood (CPNN).

The money has been secured through an innovative and collaborative Framework Agreement with landowners and developers to provide the new facilities and transport infrastructure to support the creation of 5,700 new homes, new community and employment land allocation. The investment is set to bring benefits to communities in both South Gloucestershire and the Bristol border.

The multi-million pound package includes:

  • five new schools, including a new secondary school and four primary schools
  • four new nurseries
  • two community centres and a multi-use community hub with provision for GP health services
  • more than £30 million will be provided for transport infrastructure, to be match-funded by the council
  • nearly 1,000 new affordable homes provided across the development at no cost to the council
  • recreational, leisure facilities and allotments

Cllr Dave Hockey, Chair of the Development Control West Committee, said: “Today’s decision marks another major milestone for the Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood which will in time create many new homes, jobs, community facilities and vital infrastructure. Provisions have been made for two new rail stations and the Metrobus which are very important in addressing the additional journeys associated with such a major development. Arrangements are also being made for the relocation of the Air Ambulance and police helicopters.

“The council has worked closely with the leading landowners and developers, and other stakeholders, to secure the £110 million deal. We will continue to work closely with local community leaders in the surrounding South Gloucestershire and Bristol areas to address the impacts of the new neighbourhood to ensure its benefits are maximised as the development takes shape over the next decade. A Resident Liaison Group is also to be established prior to the commencement of development on site to ensure that any problems arising can be discussed and resolved in a timely way.”

With approximately 5,700 dwellings, around 50 hectares of employment land, open spaces, schools and community facilities, the new neighbourhood was identified in the council’s Adopted Core Strategy and brings forward plans for the redevelopment of the former Filton Airfield site following the announcement of its closure in 2012.

More information on the CPNN is available on our website at including a downloadable high quality PDF image of the Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood.

At the same committee meeting, members also agreed to grant planning permission for a major element of the development. The scheme by Persimmon Homes will see the construction of 1,000 new homes and a primary school being developed on land at Wyke Beck Road.

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