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Council to consider youth services provision

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 14/09/2012

Councillors will be asked to decide whether to uphold a decision taken by the council’s Children and Young People Committee in July, at which committee members adopted a new model for the provision of universal positive activities for young people in the district and for the provision of targeted youth support services focusing on more vulnerable young people.

Within the model, universal youth services are set to be provided from centres in the council’s six priority neighbourhoods, with operation of the council’s remaining youth centres transferred to locally-based organisations. In addition to the funding for the centres in the priority neighbourhood, a subsidy would be allocated to other providers via the Area Forums and separate funding would be retained by the council for the targeted services.

Immediately after the July vote, and as permitted within the council’s Constitution, the Committee’s decision was suspended and referred to the next available meeting of full Council for determination.

The youth services proposals form part of the council’s programme of transformation reviews to refocus its work as a local authority and secure required savings in expenditure.

A comprehensive consultation programme encompassing youth services, and other services for children and services for young family ran from March until May 2012 and responses to this consultation were reflected in Committee members’ decisions.

The council meeting takes place at 7pm at the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, High Street, Kingswood and is open to the public.

All papers for the meeting are available to view at

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