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Council named top performer for cycling and walking provision

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 02/11/2015

Public feedback received as part of the National Highways and Transportation Public Satisfaction survey has ranked South Gloucestershire as the top performing local authority for the provision of cycling facilities and infrastructure.

South Gloucestershire Council was the local authority with the best ‘cycling routes & facilities’ score and also scored highest in the walking and cycling category. We also scored above average for overall satisfaction and scored highly in the road safety, highways maintenance and community transport categories.

South Gloucestershire Council’s Head of StreetCare and Transport Mark King said: “We are delighted to be recognised in these awards which reflect our efforts to improve our road and transport networks for all users.

“We have recently completed several major projects, such as improving facilities for cyclists at junction 1 of the M32 motorway at Hambrook, which benefits commuter cyclists along the A4174 ring road corridor, and we have also utilised grant funding from Sustrans to improve cycleway facilities along the A38 corridor between Braemar Avenue and Patchway Junction.

“We’re now working on the Aztec West junction of the M5 motorway to improve both pedestrian and cycle paths through the junction, and at the Cribbs Causeway junction we are creating a shared pedestrian/cycleway which will link the Wild Place Project to The Mall. We are also going to undertake more extensive gritting on the cycle path network this year, as we recognise it as being a very important commuter facility.”

The results were announced at an awards ceremony in London on 22 October.

For more information about the awards and to view the full results please visit

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