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Come to our Celebrating Carers event

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 26/03/2013

Celebrating Carers is for carers and the person they care for. To support people who look after someone else, the event will celebrate the invaluable role the estimated 24,000 carers in South Gloucestershire play, plus provide an opportunity to share information and advice, as well offer some fun activities and relaxation. We need to reach out to more of these carers, and having listened to their views, we are making it easier and more straightforward for all carers in South Gloucestershire to receive support.

Dame Philippa Russell, DBE, is the Chair of the Standing Commission on Carers, and is the keynote speaker at the event. In June 2009 she was made a Dame in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to disabled children, young people and family carers.

A variety of workshops will be available, from caring with confidence to some fun activities such as learning how to drum. There will also be over 50 stands and displays giving information on a wide range of services and support available to family carers of all ages, as well as offering activities for children aged five to 13.

Amanda Deeks, Chief Executive of South Gloucestershire Council, will give the welcoming address at the event. She said: “We recognise the huge contribution unpaid carers make to the lives of residents in South Gloucestershire and we are delighted to be working with partner organisations to celebrate the valued role provided by these individuals.

“All carers are different and in South Gloucestershire we recognise that difference. We have been working hard to offer an increasingly wide variety of opportunities for carers to access information and advice to help them in their specific circumstances, creating opportunities for carers to meet other carers, share their experiences, socialise and build support networks.”

Ken Strong, a carer from Hanham in South Gloucestershire, added: “Did you know that three out of five of us will at some time in our lives become carers? Unless carers are identified they cannot be signposted to support services that may be available and this event will highlight the support on offer while also providing some light relief.

“The event is really beneficial as it provides carers with an opportunity to meet other people in similar situations. You can find out what support is available, get advice on balancing caring responsibilities with life outside caring, as well as celebrating the role of a carer.”

Whether you care for family members or you help out a neighbour by fetching their shopping, doing a spot of cleaning to mowing their lawn, join our Celebrating Carers event on Saturday 13 April between 10am and 3.45pm at the University of the West of England Exhibition and Conference Centre.

You can book a place by visiting, emailing or phoning 01454 862356 before Thursday 11 April.

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