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Child car seat safety checks

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 30/04/2013

Between 8.30am and 4pm, police officers will stop vehicles fitted with child car safety seats while our road safety team check they are fitted correctly. Previous safety checks carried out in South Gloucestershire have shown that more than half of those checked were fitted incorrectly so we are offering the free checks to give reassurance to parents that their children are safe and secure when travelling by car.

Any drivers who would like to have their car seat checked voluntarily are welcome to stop by the Fire Station on Station Road, Yate between 8.30am and 4pm on Monday 29 April. Parents, grandparents, childminders or carers are also invited to drop in, as road safety officers from the council will be available to give free advice and literature on child restraints and the law.

Road safety officer Pamela Williams said: “Road deaths make up the biggest proportion of accidental child deaths in the UK. In-car safety and the safe restraining of young people in vehicles is vital to saving lives during collisions.”

Chief Inspector John Holt of Avon and Somerset’s Roads Policing Unit said: “We are always keen to educate drivers about the importance of keeping themselves and their passengers safe. We are committed to reducing the number of people, young and old who are killed or seriously injured on our roads.”

The road safety team will be holding similar events around South Gloucestershire between June and August.

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