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Changes to opening times and services over Christmas and New Year

Carers invited to learn more about personal budget

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 16/07/2012

The council is holding a series of events during May to help carers learn more about what ‘personalisation’ means and how it can give carers and those they care for more choice and control over the support they receive.

Councils are expected to provide personal budgets to all eligible people from April next year. Personal budgets might be for people who need care and support to stay independent, or for carers who need support to continue looking after someone.

The council’s ‘What Personalisation Means’ events are being held at a number of venues throughout South Gloucestershire and carers are encouraged to book a place by contacting 01454 862 356or emailing

Event details and times are as follows:

  • 10 May Kingswood Community Centre 2.30pm-4.30pm
  • 16 May Coniston Centre, Patchway 10.30am-12.30pm
  • 22May Pop In café, Yate 6.30pm-8.30pm
  • 24 May Turnberries Centre, Thornbury 2.30pm-4.30pm

Further information on the introduction of Personal Budgets in South Gloucestershire is available at

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