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Brighten your mood ahead of 'Blue Monday'

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 17/01/2013

1. Borrow a mood enhancing book or CD from any one of our libraries with our Read Yourself Well range.

These books include titles such as The Feeling Good Handbook to a CD/audio book on The Mindful Way Through Depression. They are recommended by the NHS and other subjects cover how to stop worrying, managing stress, anxiety and boosting your self esteem. They can be reserved free of charge and borrowed for an extended period of up to six weeks.

Martin Burton, cultural services manager who looks after the council’s libraries, said: “Many people may experience low mood or depression at some stage in their lives but help is at hand with our Read Yourself Well books. Each library has a health and wellbeing section and we also have a collection of mood boosting books which can help people to relax. Our librarians are here to help so if you need support just come in and ask.”

2. Get active with our Walking to Health programme of walks. You can explore South Gloucestershire while getting fit at the same time. More details are available on 01454 868006.

3. Try something new or revisit an old hobby. Filton Library hosts a knitting group and beginners are welcome. Call the library service on 01454 868006 for more details.

4. Learn something new for 2013. Our new community learning course prospectus is out now and includes courses on stress and relaxation and one on confidence and well being to help build self esteem. For details visit

5. Get involved in conservation projects or spend some time helping others, more details can be found at Or feel good about yourself and nominate an unsung hero for a Chair’s Community Award. All you need to know online at

For more details on ‘Blue Monday’ visit and banish those blue Monday blues!

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