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Our online services and forms will be unavailable from 6.45pm to 8.15pm on Monday 17 March due to essential maintenance.

A38 Filton roundabout resurfacing work taking place overnight

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 28/04/2016

Essential resurfacing work will be carried out at the A38 Filton Roundabout from 3 to 13 May, which will involve roadworks taking place overnight.

This work will involve removing the existing road surface and laying a new one. The work will start at approximately 8pm and take place overnight until approximately 6am (please note that adverse weather conditions may affect these times and dates).

The roundabout was recently resurfaced by an external contractor, however the road surface has deteriorated and no longer meets our standards, so it is essential that these remedial works are completed as soon as possible. These remedial works are being completed by the contractor, not at the public’s expense.

For the duration of the overnight works, the roundabout will be closed and all traffic will follow a diversion route whilst the closures are in place. Residents have been contacted in advance to request that vehicles are not parked on the road whilst the work is carried out. Access to properties and amenities fronting the site and whose only access is from the closed road will be available at all times, and every effort will be made to keep the disruption to local residents to a minimum.

Whilst the road is closed additional essential maintenance work in the location is also being undertaken.

South Gloucestershire Council’s Head of StreetCare and Transport Mark King said: “It’s important that we resurface the roundabout now, before the surface deteriorates any further, and we are carrying out the work overnight to minimise disruption to commuters and local residents.
“Alternative routes will be signposted whilst the works are in progress, however it is possible that delays may occur on the surrounding network so we advise people to avoid the area if possible.
“We apologise for any inconvenience caused by these essential works.”

These works will create a significant amount of noise and we apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused.

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