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£200,000 boost for youth activities

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 20/03/2013

Local Area Committees have approved grants totalling £196,737 from the district’s new Positive Activities Subsidy (PAS), which was created to help community organisations provide activities that benefit young people’s health and learning.

Beneficiaries include community youth organisation the Creative Youth Network, which was awarded £38,182 by the King’s Forest area committee to provide activities at Hanham Youth Centre, and Krunch, a faith-based charity which works with young people, which was awarded £26,415 by Severnvale area committee to fund activities at Thornbury Youth Centre. Awards have also been made by the Southern Brooks, Chase and Frome Vale area committees.

A further £200,000 of PAS funding will be allocated later in the year and bids for this second round of awards are now being considered.

The launch of the PAS is one of a number of developments in the district’s youth services, which will see the council focusing resources on those teenagers most in need, while also working with partners to ensure the continued provision of positive activities for all young people.

As part of the changes, the council’s targeted support services for young people have been refocused with a greater emphasis on early intervention, delivered by multi-disciplinary teams working with the most disadvantaged teenagers.

The council is also working closely with local community organisations, parish and town councils partners to ensure the continued provision of positive activities for teenagers at youth centres throughout the district, supported by the PAS. Plans have already been agreed for 17 of the 19 council-owned or leased youth centres, and the council is continuing work to ensure continued provision at the remaining two.

Full details of the awards made by Local Area Committees are available on the Positive Activities Subsidy pages at this link: Positive Activities Subsidy

Further information about the scheme is also available from the scheme administrators at

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