Have your say on self-build housing in South Gloucestershire
This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.
Published: 23/07/2014
We are conducting a survey on self-build housing in South Gloucestershire.
We are inviting South Gloucestershire residents to complete an online survey so that we can find out how many people are interested in building their own home, and what help is needed to achieve this.
The information provided will help us to understand the demand for self-build in South Gloucestershire and inform the development of planning policy to support self-build in the area.
Self-build housing can be described as any instance where a person is involved in some way in the production of their new home rather than buying from a speculative home builder. The level of involvement can therefore vary greatly, from simple purchase of the site and appointment of a contractor, to greater project management of design and construction and undertaking all the construction work oneself.
There are also examples of community self-build where a group self forms or is brought together by an organisation. Participants either work on each other’s homes until all the units are complete or subdivide land into plots and organise the construction of their home individually, sometimes collaborating to bulk buy materials etc. Such is the possible scope of involvement in the construction process that the term ‘custom built’ housing is now also commonly used.
Find out more and have your say.
To tell us your views on Self Build in South Gloucestershire, you can:
- complete our online survey
- download a copy of the survey to post back to us
The survey can be viewed online at www.southglos.gov.uk/consultation and we welcome comments until the closing date on Friday 15 August. The survey will be completely confidential and you do not have to answer all of the questions.
Comments can be submitted by calling 01454 868154.
Email: consultation@southglos.gov.uk
Write to:
South Gloucestershire Council
Corporate Research and Consultation Team
Self Build Housing Survey
Civic Centre
High Street
BS15 9TR
We look forward to hearing your views.
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