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Changes to opening times and services over Christmas and New Year

Garden waste service implementation costs

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 22/04/2014

Like all major projects the waste service changes [green bin subscription service] will incur one-off implementation costs, which will be cancelled out by the significant savings that the project will generate for South Gloucestershire in the coming years.


Estimates presented to councillors when they approved the scheme last year suggested that the project’s one-off costs would be in the order of £0.5m to £0.6m, depending on the take-up of the green waste subscription service.


With the changes now operational, we are confident that the implementation costs will be consistent with our original estimates and may in fact prove to be lower once we begin the process of collecting unwanted green bins this October.


The estimates also include a one-off cost for the disposal of unneeded waste collection vehicles and this cost could also be reduced significantly if these vehicles are reused elsewhere within SITA’s fleet.

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