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Children and young people's services consultation

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 22/03/2012

The council wants to ensure that the local children, young people and families most in need get support and help to radically improve their lives.

Like all local authorities, South Gloucestershire Council is reviewing services to ensure that they can meet current and future needs effectively and affordably.

The council believes that refocusing services on early intervention and prevention, and making the services more integrated, will deliver greater service quality while also providing better value for money.

Key features of the consultation include:

A proposal to develop an enhanced Children’s Centre Programme in those parts of South Gloucestershire where there is the highest concentration of disadvantaged families

A proposal to create an integrated Family Solutions Service to provide targeted support to parents and carers and their families to enable them to become effective as a family unit

A proposal to establish an integrated Targeted Youth Support Service to meet the needs of those teenagers who are most at risk of not achieving their potential or the best quality of life, whilst working with partner organisations to enable all young people to access a wide range of positive activities

In each case, the redeveloped services could be delivered either directly by the council or via an external provider and the council is keen to hear people’s views on each option.

Welcoming the proposals, Executive Member for Children and Young People Sheila Cook said: “Our vision in South Gloucestershire is for all children and young people to enjoy a safe and healthy life, and achieve their maximum potential.

“Early intervention and preventative services are key to the realisation of that vision and it is vital that they deliver the highest-quality and best value service possible.

“At a time of public expenditure constraint, the consultation presents a number of options to reform, redevelop and enhance the services while also contributing towards the savings the council needs to make in the coming years.

“I encourage everyone with an interest to read the proposals and share their views, which will be taken into account when the council considers its final decision on the proposals later this year.”

The consultation began on 1 March and continues until 25 May. It is anticipated that approved plans will be implemented from April 2013.

Further information on the consultation can be viewed online at

There will also be a series of events at the following locations, where local people can find out more about the proposals and ask questions:

  • 19 March (7-9pm) Filton Community Centre, Elm Park, Filton
  • 21 March (10am-12pm) Kingswood Civic Centre
  • 22 March (2-4pm) Turnberries Community Centre, Thornbury
  • 27 March (7-9pm) The Grange School, Warmley
  • 29 March (7-9pm) The Ridings International Winterbourne Academy

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