Have a say on health and wellbeing
This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.
Published: 19/02/2013
Prepared by the district’s Health and Wellbeing Board, the strategy sets out a series of priorities to make sure that South Gloucestershire’s health and care services meet the needs of local people in the coming years.
Among its draft priorities, the strategy says that health and care providers should make it easier for people to make healthy lifestyle choices, for example by providing advice on stopping smoking or taking more exercise.
The strategy also highlights the need to tackle health inequalities within the district and to ensure that when services are needed, these are provided in the most appropriate health care settings.
Consultation on the strategy runs until 15 May, and residents are being urged to share their views.
Copies of the strategy and an online survey are available from http://sites.southglos.gov.uk/oaof/health-and-wellbeing-board/joint-health-and-wellbeing-strategy/
The strategy is also available by emailing cchengagement@southglos.gov.uk or by telephoning 01454 862 356.
Local people are also being invited to attend a strategy consultation event on 21 February at the council’s Kingswood Civic Centre. The event takes place from 3pm to 8pm with sessions repeated throughout the afternoon so that participants can attend at a convenient time.
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