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Changes to opening times and services over Christmas and New Year

Smokers offered support to stop smoking

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 30/09/2013

The free event is supported by Smokefree South Gloucestershire and complements the national Stoptober campaign which runs throughout October and encourages smokers to go 28 days without a cigarette. It takes place from 10am to 2pm at the Kings Chase Shopping Centre in Kingswood where trained advisors will talk to people about the benefits of being smokefree and make smokers aware of the Stoptober website where they can go for free support online.

The Stoptober campaign begins on October 1 and is now in its second year. All support is free and smokers can choose to receive as much or as little help as they need to help keep them on track. As well as the online resource, a 28 day mobile phone app is available and a text and email message service providing motivational pick me-ups, advice and tips for coping throughout the month. Anyone taking part can also receive encouragement and support from thousands of people going through the same experience via social media.

Dr Mark Pietroni, Director of Public Health for South Gloucestershire, said: “Around 16 per cent of adults in South Gloucestershire smoke and research has shown that over two thirds of them would like to stop. Stoptober provides an excellent opportunity for them to do so by using the support available here in South Gloucestershire, which could significantly increase your chance of success.

“Lots of smokers are making October their Stoptober. Those who stop smoking for 28 days and longer will begin to experience financial, physical and health benefits including a better sense of taste and smell and a reduced risk of lung cancer and heart disease.”

Anyone unable to make the Kingswood event can sign up online to receive a free Stoptober support pack, download the new smartphone app and get daily emails packed full of useful tips and advice.

Top ten reasons to quit:

• You will reduce your risk of developing illness, disability or death caused by cancer, heart or lung disease.

• You will reduce your risk of gangrene or amputation caused by circulatory problems.

• You will protect the health of those around you by not exposing them to second hand smoke.

• You will improve your fertility levels and your chance of a healthy pregnancy and baby.

• You will improve your breathing and general fitness.

• The appearance of your skin and teeth will improve.

• You will save money – as much as several hundred pounds a month, if you’re a heavy smoker.

• You will reduce the risk of fire in your home and may pay lower insurance premiums.

• Your home and car will smell fresh and is likely to maintain its value for a longer time.

• You will enjoy the taste of food more.

For more support to stop smoking visit Smokefree South Gloucestershire

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