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Focus on siblings for National Adoption Week

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 31/10/2014

We are asking people to consider whether they can adopt siblings during National Adoption Week, which runs from November 3 to 9.

If you can consider adopting siblings, and in doing so help brothers and sisters stay together, we would be keen to hear from you.

To help prospective parents find out more, we are joining forces with councils in Bath, Bristol, North Somerset and Somerset, along with adoption agencies, to hold an information evening in Bridgwater entitled ‘We Belong Together’, which highlights the urgent need for adopters for siblings.

Adopters who have adopted siblings say the idea of having a ready-made family, only going through the adoption process once and enabling children to stay with their brothers and sisters are reasons to adopt brothers and sisters.

The ‘We Belong Together’ open event is open to all those considering becoming adopters for siblings and approved adopters who maybe hadn’t considered siblings previously. It runs from 7pm to 9pm on Monday 10 November at The Canalside, Marsh Lane, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 6LQ.

For more information about adoption in South Gloucestershire, visit

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