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New crossing for pupils at Park Primary School

This news article was published more than a year ago. Some of the information may no longer be accurate.

Published: 22/10/2014

Pupils attending Park Primary School in Kingswood have a new zebra crossing to help get them to school safely thanks to £50,000 from the Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF).

The new zebra crossing and bollards have been installed to enhance the safety of children in the area travelling to and from the school as well as acting as a traffic calming measure for the local area.

The brand new zebra crossing is located on Orchard Road near the junction of Bellevue Road and the bollards have been installed at the bottom of Hollow Road to prevent pavement parking.

LSTF access to work and skills officer Helen Harrison said: “We are pleased to have been able to fund this important road safety improvement outside Park Primary School.

“The number of pupils attending the school has increased considerably over recent years. By making the surrounding roads safer we hope to encourage more children to walk or cycle to school, giving the additional benefit of fitness and good health.”

An application for £50,000 LSTF funding was submitted by the Hollow Road Safety Group to improve road safety near the school. The group includes four Park Primary School parents – Karen Watson, Fern Bohin, Su Head and Jonathan Brown.

South Gloucestershire Council also has plans to introduce a 20mph zone around the school.

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