An inspired dramatic interpretation of the beginning of the Battle of the Somme. The drama shows the impact for the individuals both on the battlefield and at home in South Gloucestershire.
We check proposed heavy load movements across bridges and along roads within South Gloucestershire
Planning policies for the area
An ‘adopted road’ is a road under our control. We are responsible for its maintenance and safety issues related to the road.
Strategies, plans and policies relating to adult social care services and housing.
We provide a range of resources and support for adults and businesses in road safety education and intervention
Advocacy services helping you to access information and services to make more informed choices.
Information about alcohol harm and available treatments
Details of plots of land made available for individual, non-commercial gardening.
Information and advice for the farming community.
Advice and guidance on dealing with and tackling anti social behaviour.
Support and information about the arts
We have a wealth of amateur and voluntary groups involved in all areas of the arts.
Substances at work that can put peoples’ health at risk
Accommodation, meals and other advice and support for asylum seekers.
Support and information for people with Autistic Spectrum conditions and their carers
Financial support and advice including Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction
A Government scheme to ensure that every household and business in the UK can access an affordable basic broadband service
Registering a birth or planning a ceremony
If you have a disability a Blue Badge can help you park where you need to go
We help vulnerable people to develop positive relationships, enabling them to grow, develop new skills and realise their potential
How we are working to improve broadband connectivity and speeds, including getting online and learning basic IT skills.
Information and updates on broadband rollout in South Gloucestershire
Information for people building houses, extensions or carrying out other building work.
The aim of the regulations is to achieve adequate standards for the construction of buildings
If you are of qualifying age, or registered disabled and live in England, you can apply for a bus pass called a Diamond Travelcard
Including community transport and bus passes
Information about the economy, businesses in South Gloucestershire, major development areas and links to other economic date services.
Business rates or NNDR are collected for non domestic properties.
Under certain circumstances you might be eligible for a reduction or relief.
Business advice and a range of other services to companies, both new and established.
Promoting business development, growth and inward investment.
Helping people over the age of 18 to be as independent as possible.
Information on your child’s welfare and taking care of children
Care is provided either in a residential care home where personal care and meals are provided or in a nursing home where additional nursing care is available as well
We hold details of injury collisions which occur on South Gloucestershire’s roads. The data is used to help us reduce the number of people being injured each year.
Naming, renewal of vows and commitment ceremonies
About our cemeteries and burials
The Chair of Council is the civic leader and first citizen of the community of South Gloucestershire.
Information and guidance on child employment and performance licensing.
Information about child performances
Finding childcare, financial support for childcare and childcare for school age children
Financial support, childcare, pregnancy and birth, adoption and fostering, looked-after children, safeguarding
Strategies, plans, policies and frameworks in place to ensure effective service delivery to children, young people and families in South Gloucestershire.
Emergency planning and how the council is ready to respond during emergencies, business disruption or major incidents.
Processes and activities covered by the Act
Find out about our plans to reduce carbon emissions
Information about commons and village greens
Offering disabled adults an opportunity to learn valuable skills and socialise
A CIL allows councils to raise funds from developers carrying out building projects in their area for spending on infrastructure such as new schools, open space or public transport.
Community learning includes a range of community based and outreach learning opportunities
Making sure that everyone in a community feels safe in their homes and on their streets.
We are keen to hear what you have to say about our services, good or bad.
How to complain about social care and public health services.
Having your voice heard.
Nuisance caused by building sites
Giving people a greater say in what happens in their area.
Advice for consumers from trading standards.
Find out whether a piece of land might be contaminated
The council have a collective responsibility to provide the best possible care and protection of children who are looked after.
Information about our car parks and parking enforcement
Information about the residential care homes we operate
Council strategies and plans
Council tax helps pay for local services such as schools, roads, libraries, police, fire and rubbish collection.
How much money our councillors receive
Who they are and what they do for you
Councillors must provide details of their financial and non-financial interests.
Information on councillors and MPs in South Gloucestershire.
We work to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour and make communities even stronger.
We aim to deliver high quality services to everyone. Find out about our standards and how to contact us
Including report a problem, cycling strategy, cycle city ambition fund, cycle parking at stations
Helping cyclists to increase confidence and ultimately enjoyment of cycle journeys
Access to information about you and the council.
Help and support for people with dementia and their carers
How we regulate land use and new building
We can investigate an activity or works that you think are in breach of planning control
Information on road signage including roundabout sponsorship and advertising.
Parking information for disabled people
In some cases you may be entitled to a discount or not pay council tax.
Find out more about lost, nuisance or aggressive dogs, dog fouling and general dog welfare.
Domestic abuse is the use, attempt, or threat of violence – whether physical, emotional, sexual, mental or economic, within an intimate or family relationship.
Guidance and information on flood risk management and surface water management
Advice about cesspools and septic tanks
Information about drug dependency and available treatments
Strategies, plans and policies relating to education, learning and skills
The results of recent and past elections.
Upcoming elections and past results
Emergency planning and how to prepare for emergencies.
Advice and guidance about severe weather
We can help get an empty property ready for occupation
Energy conservation and efficiency advice
We can help with and advise on a range of environmental health issues.
You have the right to access environmental information held by public authorities
Our environmental vision, values and objectives.
View policies and plans relating to our work
Making sure you have equal access to education, employment, services and opportunities.
Purpose built homes for those over 55 who have care needs.
Helping you to make informed financial decisions relevant to care and support
Find your local services. This page replaces The Local Connection.
Information on children centres in South Gloucestershire.
Where and what you can recycle at our Sort It centres
How to find suitable childcare, including childminders and nurseries, in your local area
Downloadable complete lessons and bookable loan boxes.
Advice, guidance and updates on preparing for and dealing with flooding
Advice on food safety at home
Food safety advice for food businesses
Making sure that food and drink is without risk to your health or safety
Information and support for children and young people who are adopted, living with foster carers or in care, and people interested in adoption or fostering.
Friends groups and conservation groups that work in partnership with us to manage areas of public open space
Home repair assistance involves carrying out essential repairs and improvements to homes.
Information and advice on care and support charges and financial assessments
Helping you with the administrative tasks for burial, cremation or registering a death.
Under the Gambling Act 2005 we are the authority for gambling premise, gaming machine permits and lotteries
Find out about garden collection options including bin subscription
Information and advice to help you prepare for severe weather.
Social activities, day centres, Well Aware, Precious Time and community transport
Enabling every child and young person to thrive and develop skills to lead a healthy life and fulfil their potential
Find out more on how to get online, including for free and discover a whole new world using the internet
Information on community, disability facility, health inequalities, and school clothing grants.
Funding opportunities for voluntary, community and social enterprise groups and Town or Parish Councils.
What you can do at Grimsbury farm
Information about sites and encampments
Crime which is perceived by the victim or any other person to be motivated by hate.
Ensuring the health and safety of our employees, contractors and customers.
Dementia, Learning difficulty, visual/hearing impairment, support for stroke survivors and their carers
Plans that will aim to improve the health and wellbeing of people in South Gloucestershire.
Information, advice and services for people with hearing loss and sight loss
Your home is often the best place for you to get care services
Information about free childcare available in your area, and how to find out if you qualify
We inspect and maintain hundreds of highway structures across South Gloucestershire.
A wide range of evidence that our ancestors have left us
Options for older, vulnerable and disabled people.
Information and advice for anyone at risk of becoming homeless, already homeless or concerned about someone sleeping rough
A property rented out by at least three people who are not from the one ‘household’
Housing benefit is a means tested benefit designed to help people on a low income to pay their rent.
What to do if you disagree with a decision about your housing benefit.
Making a new request for housing benefit
Accommodation and housing support for older people or people with a disability
Giving people with the opportunity to have a greater say in what happens in their area and to be more active in decision making.
How the council works and who we work with
Information, advice and guidance for childcare providers.
Find out more about our waste service
Support for people with learning difficulties.
Leisure centres and sports clubs in the area
A wide range of things to do and see, inside and out.
Information on libraries in South Gloucestershire.
We work with partners to provide activities and lists of recommended reading on a range of topics
We hold regular and one-off events for all ages. Find out what’s on near you.
Library information services
Information about loans, renewals and charges
There’s far more to do at our libraries than just borrow a book
We have a range of activities and information for children and young people
If you propose to occupy or open part of a road (i.e. carriageway, footway, footpath or cycle path), there is a requirement to obtain a licence.
Further information on all licensing functions including how to apply for licences, consents and permits
Information on licensing for animal welfare, pet shops and zoo premises.
Under the Licensing Act of 2003 we are the authority for both alcohol and entertainment licensing.
Nuisance caused by light pollution
Find out about special educational needs in early years, primary, secondary and post 16.
Find out about the assessment process and education, health and care plans
Responding to the valuable feedback provided to us by parents, carers, young people and our partners.
Find out about healthcare provision and services.
Information, advice and support for the local offer in South Gloucestershire
Support towards greater independence and employability.
South Gloucestershire’s Strategy for Children and Young People 0-25 years with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 2018-2023.
Find out about care and support services
Information about accessible transport and travel options
Whether you are a tourist or a resident, South Gloucestershire has lots to discover
A local land charge is a restriction or prohibition that is binding on successive owners of a property
Documents collected in the preparation of the Local Plan
Localism aims to give communities and individuals greater power in the decision making process.
Information and support for looked after children and children in care
How to plan and register marriages, civil partnerships and celebratory ceremonies.
Members special responsibility allowance
Monitoring reports produced to support our planning policy work
Historic houses and gardens, country parks, archaeological sites, community museums, heritage centres and even old mines which are open to the public.
We protect, preserve and manage both the natural and built environment from harmful change and loss.
There are a number of nature reserves and managed woodlands you can visit
Changes to the planning system that give people new rights to shape the future of their local areas
Affordable housing is for people who cannot afford to privately rent or buy on the open market.
Nuisance caused by noise
A self-service system that allows you to use libraries when they are unstaffed, enabling us to open our libraries for longer
Information about public car parks, parking enforcement, blue badges and abandoned vehicles
Parking rules and enforcement
We manage and maintain a large number of open spaces including parks, playing fields, sports pitches, community farms and allotments.
Facts and figures about our performance
Offering people choice and control in how they are supported, so that they can meet their assessed eligible unmet needs and outcomes.
Advice about pest problems at home or work
How to plan your wedding or partnership
Advice and guidance on making or reviewing a planning application
South Gloucestershire is a fast growing area, we are committed to creating more and better places to live and work.
Planning permission is required for many common building projects.
Our major planning policies
Supplementary planning documents and other guidance provide detail in the Local Plan
Information on current and recent consultations on planning policy undertaken by the council
We are committed to reducing pollution and are responsible for regulating alongside the Environment Agency.
Monitoring and reporting of air quality
Helping older people make new friends and interests
A premises licence is required where an individual or company proposes to offer premises based gambling.
How to prepare your family, property and self for emergencies
We offer a range of resources and support to help schools educate children in road safety
Support for owners and tenants of private housing
Regulation of housing standards, with advice and support for all landlords and tenants. Houses in multiple occupation and empty properties.
What to do if you are having difficulty paying your council tax bill.
Covering house to house collections and street collection permits
Information and advice to residents on staying healthy, ways to prevent ill health and services available locally in South Gloucestershire
Bin and recycling collection dates, find a tip/recycling centre, and other waste information
We are responsible for guiding the improvement of key sites and areas of South Gloucestershire.
How to register and use your vote
To report a problem or request a service
We are taking steps to greatly reduce the number of people injured or killed on our roads.
Includes abnormal loads, street lights and traffic signals, speed limits, road traffic accident analysis, road signs, lines and dropped kerbs
We are responsible every day for making sure that roads, pavements and footpaths are all safe and well maintained.
Training courses and information for drivers and motorcycle riders
Information on road works in South Gloucestershire, including opening and closing roads.
Services and provision we expect to be available for children and young people from 0 to 25 who have Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability
Information about applying for a school place
Information on council planning for the provision of school places.
Information on school and college travel
Schools are required by law to keep attendance registers for morning and afternoon sessions.
Information on behaviour and attendance in schools and colleges including exclusion and elective home education
Improving attainment in schools for looked-after children
Search for schools near you or anywhere in England
Financial information on the funding of schools within South Gloucestershire.
Guidance advice on statutory policies for schools
Sending a child to school, financial support, dealing with the school
Creating and delivering unique, innovative and cost-effective support services to schools and academies
We provide a range of resources and support for secondary schools in road safety education and intervention
Information about council, social and housing association housing.
Policies and strategies about social housing
Supporting communities and organisations to become dementia aware, accessible, and inclusive. Enabling people with dementia to live well.
This exhibition showcases the stories of a few local survivors whose lives were radically changed by the war and those that ‘did their bit’ at home.
This exhibition concentrates on what happened in the different areas of South Gloucestershire and also connects us to some of our twinned towns in France.
This exhibition looks at aspects of daily life, entertainment, women, sport, scouts and animals, with First World War related book reviews for all the family.
Find out about extra help with collections
Speeding is a factor in many accidents, so reducing speeds on our roads has been the major aim of our projects.
Information about sport, clubs and sporting venues.
Opportunities to train as a sports coach
The Census is the most comprehensive single survey of the United Kingdom population.
Environmental nuisances detrimental to a person’s health or enjoyment of their home
Our strategies, plans and policies relating to health and social care.
We are responsible for ensuring that streets and public spaces in the area are clean and well managed.
Our standards for highway and street maintenance services
Information on street lighting in South Gloucestershire.
If you want to sell, expose or offer for sale any article in a street then you must have a licence or consent.
Information about road works, traffic, road maintenance and adoption of new roads
Ways to help you make your community stronger and safer.
Previous documents that have been replaced by the adoption of more up to date plans that now form South Gloucestershire’s Development Plan.
We are responsible for the licensing of taxi drivers and vehicles in South Gloucestershire.
Land use development requirements and issues associated with the implementation of telecommunication installations
The Care Act introduces a number of reforms affecting existing and new care users, their carers and families
Details of our six-year council savings programme
Discover medieval town, castles, glorious countryside and pretty villages.
Making sure businesses and consumers are dealt with fairly.
Advice for businesses from trading standards.
Providing staff and local organisations with training and development to improve performance.
Information about public transport, road safety, walking, cycling and transport policy
We are responsible for policy and schemes for public transport, highways and transport planning.
Advice and guidance on all tree and hedge related issues
Information, advice and support relating to the Ukraine crisis
Universal Credit is replacing six other benefits with a single monthly payment if you’re out of work or on a low income.
Making sure you get value for money from us
Voluntary and community sector organisations provide a broad range of local services to all kinds of people.
As a citizen you can vote at local elections if registered. You can vote in person or by post/proxy.
Allowing access whether you’re on foot, on pushbike, in the saddle or at the wheel.
Information on your bins, bags and boxes including garden waste
We can test the quality of private water supplies
We recognise and value the provision of information in a format which is accessible to all, regardless of ability and disability.
Our website accessibility statement sets out the level of accessibility across this website. It includes alternative routes to access where there may be barriers and how to contact us if you identify issues. It also describes what we are doing to meet accessibility standards.
We provide an advice service on a range of benefits.
Information on requesting yellow lines and keep clear road markings.
Information, support and activities for Young People
Elected and non-elected representatives
Recognising young people’s achievements.
Working with young people that get into trouble with the law